Knowing The Factors Affecting Your Auto Insurance Rates

Many drivers see auto insurance as both a good and bad thing. On one hand, it comes in handy whenever your car gets scratched or damaged in a wreck. On the other hand, auto insurance can be rather expensive. The world of auto insurance can get complicated pretty quickly because of the many factors affecting your costs. The following will show a couple of the factors looked at by a Mary Contreras State Farm.

The Type of Vehicle You Have

One of the biggest factors that’ll affect your insurance costs will be your vehicle. Everything from the age of your vehicle to its brand will affect your premiums. The value of your vehicle is one of the most important things to consider. If your vehicle is very expensive or valuable, it’ll cost more to insure. If you’re looking to save money on your insurance, you should consider a less expensive car or truck.

Your Age and Sex Are Factors Too

Unlike your car, these are two factors that you don’t have control of. Yes, your age will absolutely affect your car insurance costs. When you get an auto quote in tempe az the company will want to know the age of the driver. Insurance companies consider younger drivers to be more of a risk to insure, so these drivers typically see higher rates.

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Men and women see different rates as well when it comes to auto insurance. Again, just like younger drivers, insurance companies see men as more of a risk to insure. This could be do to the fact that men are more likely to take chances while on the road. In any case, both men and younger drivers (under 25 years of age) will typically see higher insurance rates.

Your Driving Record Is Important

Insurance companies prefer to insure safe and responsible drivers. One of the best ways of gauging how responsible you are is by looking at your driving record. Have you been in any recent car accidents? Have you received any recent tickets for violating the traffic laws (i.e. DWI, DUI, speeding, etc.). Those with clean driving records will pay much less compared to those with a history of poor driving. Mary Contreras and your auto agency may be able to work out a deal based on your recent history.

These are just a few of the factors affecting your premiums and insurance rates. Again, expensive vehicles cost more to insure. Also, if you’re a male under the age of 25, be prepared to pay higher rates. Lastly, you have a better chance at saving on auto insurance with mary contreras with a spotless driving record.